Due to various issues with Lost Ark recently, the developers plan to offer some bonuses in the next update, which will include a new set of animal skins.

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Although players can get good skin rewards, this compensation still makes players feel bittersweet. There are still many problems in the game, and the developers are still working hard to solve them. Foremost among them is that the release of the western content that many fans have been waiting for still has to wait.

There is a lot of content in the game, but because of the lack of many special raids, the final game experience is not really realized. Previously, what the developers called "true raiding experience in Lost Ark", the Legion Raids, is still not live in the game. As the developers explained in a Lost Ark Buy Gold recent post: The Legion Raids will arrive when enough players reach the level to participate in raids.

However, the game isn't exactly pessimistic. The developers are publicly acknowledging the current state of the game and implementing this compensation campaign is moving in the right direction. To find the safest and most reliable seller of Lost Ark Gold, visit MMOWTS. It's impossible to be 100% problem-free with a game as big as this. Therefore, we need to be patient with it.

However, many players are still excited, because of the recent content and mainly for PVP. If you are one of them, you should make sure you have enough Coins of Courage ready.

As one of the hottest MMORPGs, Lost Ark Gold is played by a large number of players every day. If you want to gain great power in the game, you need to spend a lot of Lost Ark Gold to build your character. As we all know, farming Lost Ark Gold in the game is very long, so many players will choose to buy them in some websites. Among them, MMOWTS is the first choice for most players. Because players can not only enjoy the best price in MMOWTS, but also enjoy the fastest delivery. Are you already excited? Go to MMOWTS and try it!

Lost Ark Gold