The game you play for 1,000 hours, but it doesn't mean that you're enjoying it. We've all seen the meme of RuneScape gold someone giving an unfavorable Steam review that had more than five hundred hours of play time. Let's face it, that's just not an acceptable idea anymore.

I've put hundreds of hour into Fallout 4, and I might have played about five of them. The rest was just the promises of pleasure, with that bloody 'kill loot, kill, return' game loop fooling my brain into believing it was enjoying itself. You've also seen your posts about Skyrim and you've reverted back to it again. Pathetic, the lot of us.

However, what about old School RuneScape? I have no idea. It's usually easy to spot some of these games They consume your life and you moan about it on the internet. However, RuneScape is something completely different. Even when I'm not playing I still don't really have an opinion about the game. I just listen to the music in my head, and feel a gravitational attraction to it. It was discovered that it was not on my mobile was a mistake. My family hasn't spoken to me in days.

RuneScape was among the trailblazers: a game exclusively focused on engaging, which doesn't necessarily have to be in rs07 fire cape tandem with having fun. This isn't to say that they're incompatible the fact is that there are options to keep you entertained even when you're not having enjoyable.