The New World development team has released a new April developer video featuring upcoming updates, events, and responses to community questions.

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The first is about the next update, which is currently on the New World PTR. New content was added to the last update, and this time it's mostly fixes for New World Gold gameplay issues, adds quality of life updates, and other enhancements. The developers explained some of these changes, including auto-zooming when you enter a settlement, which means the map already exists before you open it.

In addition, some additional functions have been added, such as the quest icon is now updated, players can use the quest icon to know whether the quest has been completed or is in progress. The developers emphasized that they have made progress in fixing various bugs and issues in the game in this update, and said that since the February update, 1,500 bugs have been fixed.

The developer has also announced upcoming events, including the Free Games Weekend and the recent Double XP Weekend, and says there will be more of these in the future. No New World Coins? Go to to buy. And the current availability of the Corrupted rabbits for hunting has also attracted attention.

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