All players in Runescape will start out with the combat level of 3 at the beginning, both in Runescape as well as OSRS (Old School Runescape). As you continue to Buy RS Gold level up your combat, you'll eventually meet the max number of levels of 138. In the case of OSRS players, the highest stage for combat is at 126.
NPC's will stop attacking you if your level of combat is higher than their +1. However, Monsters that are higher than level 69 are always going to attack the player.
Old School RuneScape All pets and how to obtain them in OSRS
Pets are an important component in Old School RuneScape and obtaining one or two of them can be extremely difficult. Find out everything you need to know about pets in OSRS. Although they are not combat-related NPCs in OSRS pet-friendly, they can be fun to play with when following your game character around the world. However, getting pets , and insuring their existence may be somewhat confusing unless you are aware of how to go about it.
Acquiring pets in the game is more of a proof of quality that you've been able to defeat bosses. As pets are dropped by bosses setting up your pet to follow you is a great option to show off the recent boss you defeated. Let's dive in and check out everything you need to buy runescape accounts know about pet pets inside OSRS.