The Wrath of the Lich King Classic, which is loved by players around the world, was announced by Blizzard on Monday that the World of Warcraft Classic will be launched in September. It is said that Blizzard has also optimized the game performance to make World of Warcraft players have a better gaming experience. You can choose to buy gold coins at MMOWTS. MMOWTS cooperates with many reliable suppliers and professional players, and has its own professional item trading team. must be your best choice!

Generally speaking, The Wrath of the Lich King era of World of Warcraft is called the peak era by players. Once the old World of Warcraft players think of the Corps, there is almost nothing comparable to the Arthas War. If it is possible to return to this classic era, it will be of extraordinary significance for both players and game planning. The release of Wrath of the Lich King Classic is basically based on this idea and framework.

Unsurprisingly, there will be an expansion pack as well. For players, only a better internet connection and a thinner monitor will make it easier to learn more skills, fight Arthas Menethil, go to the Northrend expedition, and become a death knight.

Burning Crusade Classic players will be rewarded with a new experience point, this new mode is called "Joyous Journeys", this new bonus mode will increase the player's experience points by 50% when playing Burning Crusade Classic, if If you don't like this kind of experience bonus, you can choose to interact with the WOTLK Classic Gold innkeeper in the game and turn off the upgrade through dialogue. Additionally, players need to be aware that this upgrade will end with the launch of the Burning Crusade Classic.


It is worth mentioning that players do not need to pay any fees this time, World of Warcraft Classic is included in World of Warcraft, and The Wrath of the Lich King expansion is also included, so you can start your adventure anytime, anywhere! If you feel that you are experiencing stuttering or other issues affecting your gaming experience, some WOTLK Classic Gold may be able to help you out. WOTLK Classic Gold from MMOWTS can definitely help you. When you buy at MMOWTS, you can always consult the website online customer service, they will guide you how to buy WOTLK Classic Gold more smoothly.