Welcome to Sanjeevini Life Care Village, your premier destination for sports rehabilitation in Kerala! Our expert team of therapists is dedicated to helping you recover from sports injuries and enhance your performance. Immerse yourself in personalized rehabilitation programs designed to address your unique needs, combining cutting-edge treatments with holistic care. Our state-of-the-art facilities and picturesque surroundings create an ideal environment for your healing journey. Rediscover your strength, agility, and resilience with Sanjeevini Life Care Village – where your well-being is our priority.
visit us at:https://sanjeevinilifecarevillage.com/
contact us at: +91 9778634600, +91 484–2736000
email:[email protected]
Address: South Pallikkunnu Road, Manjapra, Kerala 683581
Map location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/9UpojNPZSzP3RJhY7