The quantity of 2k23 mt product placements in NBA 2K has always been substantial, and 2K23 has an amount that is comical sometimes. Yet, this is more like the current league. Professional sports have pre-game entertainment that is sponsored by a particular company.

Half-time shows are sponsored by another or post-game programs by a completely different one. It feels weirdly on-brand to offer the NBA video game with the same approach, even though it could be more enjoyable without it.

The majority of the improvements to on-court and off-court activities in NBA 2K23 make for great enjoyment and replayability, particularly the new quests for seasonal play that give players plenty of incentive to play the various options, especially head-to head matches.

The one drawback is the massive size of both hubs. They both The City on current-gen and The Neighborhood (a massive cruise ship) on previous-gen are filled with things to do. But, they are also spread across an entirely unnecessarily large area.

Even with skateboards or bicycles players will spend just as much time navigating around The City as they do playing basketball. Even though both hubs offer attractive designs and are aesthetically pleasing, they still feel like an unnecessary waste of time.

The excitement in NBA 2K23 doesn't stop with MyCareer. There are updates to MyTeam and cheap mt nba 2k23 badges that can be used on cards similar to the badges that are used in other 2K modes for a more extensive range of lineups and play styles. Also, there are changes that will affect Unlimited as well as Limited competition modes.