When it comes to selecting an Edmonton commercial roofing contractor , it is crucial to avoid some common mistakes that could potentially lead to costly consequences. Firstly, one must not overlook the importance of conducting thorough research on various contractors in order to identify their reputation and credibility within the industry. It is essential to thoroughly review their portfolio of past projects, customer testimonials, and certifications or affiliations with professional organizations. Secondly, overlooking the significance of proper licensing and insurance can be detrimental as hiring a contractor without these crucial credentials exposes your business to potential legal liabilities. Additionally, failing to request detailed written estimates from multiple contractors can result in unexpected expenses and budget overruns down the line. It is advisable to scrutinize each estimate carefully for clarity regarding materials used, labor costs, project timelines, as well as any additional charges or contingencies. Finally yet importantly, neglecting open communication with potential roofing contractors may lead to misunderstandings and dissatisfaction throughout the project's duration.