In this instance this scenario, the Mut 23 coins Patriots call"the" Shotgun Split Slot formation, using an "WR Fullback" package. This places your wide receiver at the fullback position. In our instance it is Randy Moss lined up as the fullback.

This could create an issue with match-ups since it is likely that the linebacker will be lined to Moss in a major speed gap.

Make a play that puts Moss to the floor. In this case the play begins with the ball, and Moss runs towards the sideline. Brady makes a simple catch to Moss that results in an impressive gain.

It is evident that these packages can be used in a variety of ways within Madden. Some other examples are the addition of offensive linemen for running scenarios or backup quarterbacks is added for scenarios where you'd like to use QB Draw (for instance, in Seattle when the replacement quarterback is the Fast QB).

There are hundreds of options included in Madden 23. Check out the options in your playbook to determine if you can increase your chances of scoring.

If you've ever been a part of Madden before, you're aware that the defense can put up significant pressure.

Madden 23 is no more different. Slide Protection can be described as a method that informs the offensive line which direction to take following the ball is snapped. Think of Peyton Manning, pre-snap, telling the offensive linemen where to block.

The greatest part is that Slide Protection actually is effective. Let's look at some examples of how to incorporate Slide Protection into madden 23 coins buy your offensive strategy.