By doing this, we are preventing new players as well as returning players to join their friends on these large rounds possibly for WoW Classic SoD Gold months. But the current situation on these worlds is unsustainable. Even if it is possible to remove queues in the short long term, it's going remain a problem when new content comes out that mega rounds to date, at least in Europe and our ganas gala mag and somehow launch more rounds. I don't own a valid North American account but I'm going to give at least a benediction . Romulus is locked.

They then go on to say free transfers have been very efficient so far, but we're in need of more people to transfer. We've implemented a new free character migration solution specifically designed for benediction. that , and globulus in the US but nothing is available for the EU is available, but we're sure to get something out soon. And you can read about the destiny realm here. It's known as an unintentional curse.

The realm can only be gained by free transfer via benediction, or Lena or globulus. Additionally, all four of these realms are restricted for the creation of characters This means that it is only possible to create the character for that realm when you already have a character in the realm. This could involve the transfer of your character from the other ones interesting idea it's spillage server. I'm guessing that players are extremely organized and mobile and it's a no-cost transfer to a new realm that is not part of the one. They're also astonished by the by the new world too. Moving ahead.

They say the mega brands in the US and the EU who are queuing are fully occupied. This is the actual situation. there's no more capacity that we can put into these areas to let more players on or to minimize queues. They assert that layers don't provide maximum capacity as well. If the capacity goes too high servers begin to become unplayableand cause problems such as serious Auction House lag, or outages in chat performance or lag when attempting to remove an item. I'm aware of many servers that were affected over the last week. Ivan was one time too. He also says never in World of Warcraft history has the capability of realms be as big as they are today to be as clear as possible.

We are unable to increase capacity to the point of causing more likely cascading failures to our service. At present. The most effective and sole method to solve this problem for the affected realms is to let players move out using free realm transfer. There is no technology solution to this. There's no hardware solution. This problem will not change when Wrath of the Lich King classic goes on sale on September 26. it will only get worse . There's a mic drop moment there from WoW SoD Gold our grand . You may be asking yourself about this, however in 2008. we know wow had between 11 and 12 million active players. It housed many more players then but it never was this bad, did it? Well, not to my personal memory.