While the desire to get married and have children remain strong among Singaporeans, many married couples have fewer children than they want to, according to findings from a survey on marriage and parenthood. 

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The 2021 Marriage and Parenthood Survey, released by the National Population and Talent Division (NTPD) on Monday (Oct 10), found that there is a mismatch between aspirations and reality when it comes to forming a family in Singapore.

Nine in 10 of the married couples surveyed (92 per cent) said they would prefer to have two or more children, but in reality, about half of them (51 per cent) had fewer than two children.

One of the main reasons for not having more children was financial cost, with 64 per cent of married respondents citing that as one of the top three reasons.

Two other reasons they chose were “raising children in Singapore is too stressful” and “difficult to manage work and family demands”. Couples were also somewhat concerned about a lack of good caregiving arrangements, and some said they had difficulty conceiving.

When it comes to marriage, a majority, or 80 per cent, of young, single respondents - aged 21 to 35 - said that they intend to marry, a slight decline compared to the figure in 2016 (83 per cent) and 2012 (86 per cent).

Three-quarters of the respondents indicated that having a career and raising a family were equally important, and 14 per cent saw family as more important than a career.