According to Blizzard "gathering and understanding feedback is more important than ever before," Blizzard is currently accepting applications from players who want to join the council. The council is looking for variety in styles of play to encompass all aspects that make up the game with WoTLK Classic Gold.

"One of the key objectives of this program is to encourage discussion with players with a variety of different styles of play," Blizzard states. "To make sure this happens one of the aspects of the application process will involve sharing your interests and areas of expertise. It doesn't matter if it's cutting-edge raiding performing alts, completing goals, accessibility or collecting transmog we want to know your perspective and ensure your voice is heard."

Participants selected for the council are able to post in a special forum and can respond directly to the topics and discussions that are initiated with the help of members from the WoW development team and other community managers. Blizzard states that "separate discussions between smaller groups of players and Blizzard developers will be encouraged to ensure members with diverse perspectives are being respected."

Participants selected for members of the Council will be able to participate for one year. Applications will then be open once more.

The establishment of the community council has come just as game's patch 9.1.5 is scheduled to include a myriad of changes requested by players and what buy WoTLK Gold's gaming director has said is a "fresh perspective going forward" of the MMO. It's also amidst the ongoing aftermath of multiple lawsuits and investigations related to an alleged history of discrimination and harassment based on gender at Activision Blizzard.