When talking about buying stuff, first thing we want is discount which helps us to pay lesser than we usually do. Everyone knows this, but many people still don’t realize other advantages of buying products and the reasons why they should grab products during the promotion.

Save more money

Think of the amount of money you would be spending on stuff in a year and imagine that everything come down 20% off. For example, if you spend 3000 baht on personal items each year and everything is just 20% off, you would be saving 600 baht, which is enough for some new clothes, shoes, or you can save that money in an account. Considering that during sales, everything comes at bigger discounts than 20%, you will be able to save a lot more money than you expect.

Buy more for less

You probably get more stuff under the same budget. For example, you used to buy a shirt at 100 baht but now it has promotion buy one get one free. Therefore, you only have to pay 100 baht for 2 shirts instead of 200 baht. Another example is when shirts discount from 200 baht to only 100 baht, that means you can get 2 shirts under the same budget.

Get privileges

During the promotions, you possibly get privileges from the brand you are using. To illustrate this, if you have deposited large amounts of money in an account with a bank over several years or are brand loyalty to that brand. You may also receive a lot of privileges that others do not like sitting in a lounge for a special customer only.

Make more credits

Sometimes points are counted on each purchase as part of a promotion. If you have a high score, that means you have a good credit.

After reading this, you probably change the way you think and the way you shop which tend to buy more on sale products during the promotion rather than buying stuff at full price. Therefore, you can see selected promotions (โปร) that we provide for your worthiness.