You've gotten all of your attributes to their maximum potential, and you've customized your animations to exactly how you want them, so you should be ready to play, right? It's safe to assume that you won't be left behind by the other players, right? It's not quite that. After spending all of that real-world money and virtual currency within the game, the one area in which you will spend an interminable amount of virtual currency is on Skill Boosts and Gatorade Turbo Boosts. You can, of course, play without any boosts, but doing so puts you at a significant disadvantage compared to the other players. You will almost certainly need to make use of boosts in order to compete effectively in NBA 2K. Going back to the breakdown that AllCity provided, you notice that the price of Gatorade Turbo Boosts is 10,500 VC for a 10-pack of each type of Turbo Boost (Super Shake, Thirst Quencher, and Gatorade Zero with Protein). These boosts have an effect on your energy and turbo meter, which enables you to gain an additional bar for your turbo meter, recover lost turbo meter bars more quickly, and experience a more gradual decline in your overall energy over the course of a game.

  • One boost is used up whenever you play a MyCareer game or any City game

  • If you complete the Hand-Eye workout at the gym, you will be eligible for a discount on Gatorade Boosts

  • Because a 10-pack of Skill Boosts will cost you 1,500 VC per item, the amount of Skill Boosts that you purchase will depend on your build and the strengths that you prioritize the most

  • To purchase boosts will cost you an estimated 8,400 value coins overall


The way everything is laid out in this article screams "pay to win," and I don't know what else would. I (mostly) understand the revenue structure of corporate businesses, in which shareholders want to make money and see profit margins increase from year to year, but I don't understand when we, as consumers, will get a break from this. Where does the obligation to eke every last dollar out of a situation culminate? It is highly unlikely that this will occur, but the virtual currency (VC) issue in NBA 2K23 could force customers to make some difficult choices that could alter the competitive landscape of 2K this year and for the future of the franchise. Time will tell, but as long as the 2K community does not take a strong stance against virtual currency and demand a change, we will continue to sing the same song for NBA 2K24 and the iterations that come after it.

The latest installment in the 2K series, NBA 2K23, is without a doubt the best one so far. The gameplay is fantastic, and despite some problems with rim running, rebounding, and interior defense, there is a genuine sense of balance on both sides of the ball, which is something we haven't seen in many years. Despite these problems, the game has a great sense of equilibrium. This year, the skill gap that the 2K team claims to bring is present, and in order to be successful, you really need to put in the effort to learn the adjustments you need to make in order to compete with other players. The game includes MyNBA Eras, the Jordan Challenge, and a MyCareer mode, all of which should keep players engaged in the game for longer than a month or two. In NBA 2K23, nearly everything has been improved for better visuals. We just need to figure out a way to remove the sour aftertaste that the game leaves behind due to the microtransactions and pay-to-play features that are tainting what would otherwise be an outstanding piece of work this year.

If you're interested in playing a really fun game of basketball and are thinking about purchasing NBA 2K23, my advice is to go ahead and do it without any reservations. Be aware of the fact that if you want to compete in the Park, Rec, or Pro-Am races and keep up with the rest of the community, you will need to fork over some additional cash. This is the case regardless of which race you choose to compete in.

After spending some time with NBA2k23 mt and taking advantage of the early release of the game's more premium Michael Jordan Edition, I came to the conclusion that there was still material worthy of being discussed in this article. However, this is not a review. A word of cautionA plea.


Therefore, this review of NBA 2K MT is not intended to be complete and exhaustive


  • I am not the person to ask if the defense has been improved, how it feels to dribble through traffic, or if the changes that have been made to MyGM mode are an improvement over those made the previous year

  • Instead, I would like to use this year to assess where 2K23 stands among other content games in the wider gaming world

  • If you'd rather I review a basketball game, I'm sorry to disappoint you; however, 2K Sports isn't particularly interested in developing a basketball game either, so I guess that makes us even

The constant hustling and nagging off the court that comes with the basketball game is so relentless, and I've become so used to it after so many years, that it saps the excitement I once had for the game itself. The off-key branding and constant advertisements in MyCareer completely ruined the experience for me, to the point where I didn't even care that much about how poorly the story was written. Because advertisements, grinds, and other forms of in-game commerce are so prevalent in the game's multiplayer modes, I had no interest in spending any time playing them.