With Instagram Stories, users can share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. But sometimes you want to save the post and keep it forever. Unfortunately, there isn’t a built-in way to do this without alerting the person who posted the story. So, what do you do if you want to download an Instagram Story without getting caught? Let's take a look at some of instaDP's ways to make this possible.

Third-Party Apps 

One of the most common methods people use for downloading stories is third-party apps. These apps are designed specifically for downloading stories from Instagram, but they can be risky because your account could get blocked for using them. The good news is that there are plenty of options out there, so you should be able to find one that fits your needs. Just make sure you read reviews before downloading any app and don’t give them access to your account information or passwords. 

Browser Extensions

If you don’t want to download a third-party app, then browser extensions may be the way to go instead. These extensions are typically free and easy to install in Chrome or Firefox browsers. Once installed, they allow you to quickly download any story on Instagram with just one click. All you have to do is open up the story in your browser and then click on the extension icon in your toolbar. 


This may seem like an obvious solution, but it’s still worth mentioning as it is one of the best ways to download stories without getting caught. All you have to do is take a screenshot of the story before it disappears after 24 hours—just make sure not to post it anywhere! Screenshots are also great for saving text posts or quotes from other accounts since they won’t appear in their original format once saved elsewhere.  
Downloading Instagram Stories without getting caught is possible with a bit of know-how and creativity! Whether you opt for a third-party app, browser extension, or screenshotting method, these tips will help ensure that no one finds out about your covert downloads! By taking these steps and being careful about which apps or extensions you use, you can safely save all those disappearing memories without anyone ever knowing!