If you are worried about pests around your commercial property, then you need to make sure that you get a comprehensive plan in place that will remove them and ensure that no one is going to get hurt or sick around your property. This is one thing to consider no matter the type of pest that you have, but it is especially important when you are dealing with a black widow spider. But what is a black widow spider and why are they a cause for concern for your commercial property


A black widow spider is one that is going to come from the idea that the female of this species will eat the male after they mate. This doesn’t really happen, but it is a myth that many have held onto for a long time. These spiders are found all around the world and it is believed that five are in the United States. Although fatalities with these are rare, this spider does have a strong venom, with it being 15 times stronger than a rattlesnakes and it can make the victim sick and achy, so it is best to keep them far from your customers.


It is a good idea to know what the black widow spider is going to look like. These spiders are going to be mostly black, but can have two reddish triangles that usually join together to make more of an hourglass shape on the bottom of their stomachs. This is often the best way to recognize them. Sometimes the females will be brownish rather than all black. It is common for this spider to get somewhere between 3 to 10 mm long, but the females will be the larger of the two in this species. They have eight eye and eight leg.


The young of this type of spider are going to be a different color. They will be white and orange for the most part, but will start to add more black coloring as they get older. They will be similar in markings to the males, but that can change when they get older and start to get closer to mating as an adult.


It is time to get those pests gone and keep your home and commercial property as safe as possible. When you need commercial pest control in Crater Lake, then contact our team to work with you ever step of the way. We have the right tools and experience to get the work done right the first time, whether you are trying to be proactive and prevent a problem before it even starts or you have an infestation that needs to be removed as soon as possible. Contact us today for all your pest control needs.