Any type of bird that decides to take up residence in your commercial property and can either cause damage or make others sick by being there is a nuisance and you need to look into the right pest control solutions to take care of the problem immediately. When it comes to woodpeckers, these birds will often try to peck right through the very structure of your home, which can start to damage it. This not only makes it look bad, but could mess with the stability of the whole building as well.


Recognizing a woodpecker and when they are causing some problems for you is important if you want to get ahead of the problem and make sure that they do not cause too many problems. To start, a woodpecker is a type of bird that gets its name because it likes to peck through wood to help it attract a mate, find shelter, and reach food. Woodpeckers are often seen as a nuisance for homeowners and business owners because they can damage wood structures like your home.


One thing to note here though is that the woodpecker is federally protected. If you want to remove them, you will need to follow the federal law to get this done, rather than just using whichever method you like the best. You should not just go out there and get rid of the woodpecker and hope that is enough. You will probably need to hire the professionals to make sure that you are doing it the right way.


When looking at a woodpecker, you will find that the adults will be somewhere between six to 18 inches long. The colors will vary depending on the species that you have, but they have a sharply pointed, stout bill that will help them chisel through the wood with ease. Their tail feathers are stiff and spiny and can provide them with some of the support that they need and claws on the feet to keep them upright.


Sometimes the problem with pests in your area is going to be severe and you need to take some drastic measures to ensure that you can remove the pests and keep your property as safe and clean as possible. Our team can provide a variety of different pest control solutions for your needs, including fumigations in Las Vegas. No matter how big or small the pest control problem is, we are confident that we can provide the solution you are looking for. Contact us today to get started.