The concept of redox signaling comes from the way signals are transduced by electron transfer reactions involving free radicals or related species, redox-active metals (e.g., iron, copper, etc.) or reductive equivalents. Reductive equivalents include hydrogen atoms given by reductive substrates like NADPH, glutathione (GSH) or thiol-proteins (RSH). A key characteristic of redox signaling is that electron transfer is strictly dependent on kinetics and thermodynamics. Biological factors, including the enzymatic sources and cellular sub compartmentalization of free radicals, as well as protein interactions, are also crucial determinants of effector redox signals.

There are two pillars to redox signaling's specificity. For example, thiol oxidation intermediate states are formed in response to a specific chemical species. It is also due to the existence of effector target proteins that are reversely modulated by redox-sensitive mechanisms, e.g., thiol-disulfide chemistry or metals with redox activity. Proteins that regulate proliferation, survival, and apoptosis are kinases, phosphatases, transcription factors, receptors, adhesion molecules, and proteases [5–7,9]. ROS can mediate both protective and harmful phenomena in vessels. As a result, ROS and redox processes are proposed to play an important role in atherosclerosis and other vascular disorders.


All cells in your body produce redox signaling molecules, which either act as cellular messengers or activators. Your cells respond to the activator molecules by activating antioxidants stored within RENU them. Biologically and artificially, antioxidants are chemicals that protect cells from oxidative free radical damage. Redox signaling molecules, however, are necessary for antioxidants to function.

To ensure optimal immune system performance, messenger molecules enable proper cell communication within your body. In addition to fighting bacteria, viruses, and infection, they also activate your body's immune system.

When your body is stressed by oxidative stress, it creates an imbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants. There are a number of environmental factors that can cause an imbalance, including pollution, infections, poor diet, toxins, and radiation. Prooxidants and antioxidants are balanced within your body through redox signaling molecules.

Antioxidant defenses and oxidative stress must be balanced for good health. Our bodies' ability to produce and maintain a proper balance of redox signaling molecules declines as we age, as stress and environmental toxins overwhelm our lives and weaken our defenses. In this way, these molecules are involved in crucial immune system functions, cell renewal, and healing at every age, but as we age, we become less able to utilize them as effectively.

The effects of age, toxins, and environmental stress on your body have been studied for many years through redox signaling molecules supplements. In order to replicate these naturally occurring molecules outside of the body, ASEA has developed a patented technology.