In League of Legends, Urgot was once a lonely orphan surviving in the desolate wastelands of Runeterra. Driven by a thirst for power, he sought out ancient demonic forces, eventually discovering a mysterious stone tablet inscribed with ancient spells. Using its dark powers to protect himself, Urgot unknowingly altered his destiny forever. When you embark on your journey, mmowow can lend a helping hand when you need help.


Champion Positioning:

Urgot is primarily played as a top lane bruiser or a ranged AD carry. His gameplay revolves around dealing sustained damage while being durable enough to withstand enemy attacks.


Skills Overview and Playstyle:

Passive - Echoing Flames: After using an ability, Urgot's next basic attack within a few seconds will shoot flames, dealing bonus physical damage. This passive encourages Urgot to weave basic attacks between his abilities for maximum damage output.
Q - Corrosive Charge: Urgot launches a grenade that explodes on impact, dealing physical damage and slowing enemies hit. This skill is great for poking enemies in the lane and setting up engages or escapes.
W - Purge: Urgot shields himself and rapidly shoots enemies before him, dealing physical damage. While active, Urgot's basic attacks and Purge shots reduce the cooldown of his other abilities. This ability allows Urgot to shred through tanks and deal consistent damage in team fights.
E - Disdain: Urgot charges forward, flipping the first enemy champion he collides with over his shoulder. This ability is perfect for engaging in fights or catching enemies who are out of position.
R - Fear Beyond Death: Urgot fires out a drill that suppresses the first enemy champion hit. If the enemy's health is low enough, Urgot will reel them in, dealing massive execute damage. This ultimate is excellent for securing kills and turning the tide of team fights.

Skill Order and Runes:

Max Q first for poke and wave clear, followed by W for sustained damage, and finally E. Take Conqueror as your primary rune for additional damage and sustain, with Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, and Last Stand. For secondary runes, go for Resolve with Bone Plating and Overgrowth for increased durability in the lane.


Item Build:

Core Items: Start with Doran's Blade and rush Manamune for mana sustain and scaling damage. Follow up with Black Cleaver for CDR, health, and armor shred.
Boots: Ninja Tabi against AD-heavy teams, or Mercury's Treads for heavy AP or CC teams.
Situational Items: Consider items like Death's Dance for sustain, Guardian Angel for survivability, or Sterak's Gage for additional health and damage.
Early Game:

Focus on farming and harassing your opponent with your Q whenever possible. Look for opportunities to trade with your opponent using your passive-enhanced auto attacks and Corrosive Charge. Avoid extended fights until level 6 unless you have a clear advantage.

Mid Game:

Start roaming and looking for opportunities to use your ultimate Fear Beyond Death to secure kills and objectives. Continue to pressure your lane while also helping your team secure objectives like Dragon and Rift Herald.

Late Game:

In team fights, focus on diving into the enemy backline with your Disdain and disrupting their carries. Use your ultimate to eliminate high-priority targets or finish off low-health enemies. Maintain consistent damage output with your Purge and basic attacks.


Combo Techniques:

Engage Combo: E (Disdain) into Q (Corrosive Charge) to slow and poke, then activate W (Purge) for sustained damage.
Ultimate Combo: Use E (Disdain) or Flash to get close, then R (Fear Beyond Death) to suppress and execute the target. Follow up with Q and W for additional damage if needed.

Recommended Team Compositions:

Strong Engage: Pair Urgot with champions like Malphite, Leona, or Amumu for a strong engage frontline to initiate team fights.
Scaling Composition: Combine Urgot with late-game scaling champions like Jinx, Kassadin, or Kayle to ensure a powerful late-game presence.
Personal Strength Composition: Surround Urgot with champions that can peel for him and enable him to deal maximum damage, such as Lulu, Braum, or Janna.
As Urgot, I thrive on using my brute strength and powerful abilities to dominate my opponents, both in the lane and in team fights. With the right strategy and execution, I can become an unstoppable force on the Rift.

Early Game:

Against Ryze in the early game, I focus on farming safely while poking him with Corrosive Charge whenever he gets too close. I need to be cautious of his trading potential, especially if he lands his Rune Prison. I aim to gain a CS lead and avoid unnecessary trades unless I have a clear advantage.

Mid Game:

As the mid-game approaches, I look for opportunities to roam and help secure objectives like Rift Herald or Dragon. I must be mindful of Ryze's roaming potential and warn my team if he goes missing. In the lane, I continue to pressure him and look for opportunities to all in if he overextends or uses his abilities recklessly.

Late Game:

In team fights, my goal is to dive onto Ryze's backline and disrupt their carries with Disdain. I need to be careful of his burst damage and crowd control, so I position myself wisely and wait for the right moment to engage. If Ryze is caught out of position, I can use Fear Beyond Death to secure a kill and swing the fight in our favor.


Handling Different Champions in Team Fights:

Against champions with a strong engagement like Malphite or Leona, I stay back and peel for my team while waiting for the right moment to counter-engage with Disdain.
Against squishy backline champions like Jinx or Lux, I prioritize diving into them and using Fear Beyond Death to eliminate them from the fight quickly.

Why Urgot is a Popular Pick:

Urgot is a popular pick because he offers a mix of tackiness, sustained damage, and crowd control. His kit is relatively straightforward to understand, making him accessible to players of all skill levels. Additionally, his ultimate Fear Beyond Death provides a satisfying execution mechanic that can turn fights in an instant. However, when some players choose to further explore and become familiar with a certain hero, some players will choose a safe and reliable supplier of League of Legends accounts for sale.


Advantages and Disadvantages:

Advantages: Urgot has excellent sustain with his passive and W, making it hard to push out of lane. He also scales well into the late game with his % health damage and executes ultimate. His crowd control and tackiness make him a valuable frontline in team fights.
Disadvantages: Urgot can struggle against mobile champions who can easily dodge his abilities. He also lacks hard crowd control outside of his ultimate, making him reliant on landing skill shots to make an impact.
Tips for Players:

Practice landing your Q consistently to poke and harass your opponent in the lane.
Use Disdain defensively to escape ganks or engage in fights when your jungler arrives.
Save Fear Beyond Death for key targets in team fights, such as enemy carriers or low-health enemies.


Playing Urgot requires a good balance of aggression and patience. Understanding his strengths and weaknesses is crucial to success. With practice and proper execution, Urgot can be a formidable force on the Rift, punishing opponents who underestimate his power.