Workshops are used to craft new items to Lost Ark Boosting be used in the endgame. HP potions, battle items tools, cosmetic items for your stronghold are all made by hand from here. To unlock additional recipes for your workshop, you can research the latest workshop improvements using your lab. Nearly all trade skills tools are utilized for this selection.

Lost Ark Stronghold Station Menu

Once you've gotten a ship and unlock it, you'll be able assign crew members to finish specific tasks. These missions offer currencies for strengthening your strongholds, upgrade materials, and even rewards granted from Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids (explained in the Additional Stronghold Features section).

To access your stronghold go to your music sheet option (F2 to default). You can use the "Song of Hearth and Home" option to transfer onto your stronghold. You'll be able to roam around your estate and access diverse structures and features however, there's an easier way use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl +1. This will open a menu that will allow you to navigate to the most important options of your castle through several menus. For decorating your estate, press Ctrl + 2.

Manor: Create bonuses for your stronghold.

Training Camp: Boost the level of your alts to buy Lost Ark Gold two levels above your main.