• Medication Access and Income: Unveiling the Complexities of Affordability
    Approximately 70% of American adults take one prescription medication, with 24% taking at least four. Financial challenges impact medication access, as 25% struggle to afford prescriptions, especially among families earning less than $35,000 annually. Surprisingly, even some earning $75K to $125K annually report skipping medication due to the cost of medications, indicating broader affordability issues.
    Medication Access and Income: Unveiling the Complexities of Affordability https://shorturl.at/k1uYE Approximately 70% of American adults take one prescription medication, with 24% taking at least four. Financial challenges impact medication access, as 25% struggle to afford prescriptions, especially among families earning less than $35,000 annually. Surprisingly, even some earning $75K to $125K annually report skipping medication due to the cost of medications, indicating broader affordability issues. #PrescriptionMedication#MedicationAffordability#HealthandFinancialchallenges#MedicationAccess#SocioeconomicGroups#HealthNeeds#SkippingMedication#
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